Презентация «Ivan AIvazovsky»

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Ivan Aivazovsky  By Sorokina Iren

Ivan Aivazovsky

By Sorokina Iren

Ivan Aivazovsky was born July 17, 1817 in Feodosia  in the family of Armenian businessman,  later went bankrupt.   «Sunrise  on  the  coast  of  yalta»

Ivan Aivazovsky was born July 17, 1817 in Feodosia in the family of Armenian businessman, later went bankrupt.

«Sunrise on the coast of yalta»

He studied in high school in Simferopol, and then in 1833 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where from 1833 to 1839 he studied at M.N.Vorobeva in landscape class.

He studied in high school in Simferopol, and then in 1833 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts,

where from 1833 to 1839 he studied at M.N.Vorobeva in landscape class.

« R ainbow»

« R ainbow»

Aivazovsky went to the Crimea, having been instructed to write a series of landscapes of the Crimean cities. Crimean artist were also successfully exhibited in the Academy of Arts. «Shipping  off  the  rock  of  gibraltar»

Aivazovsky went to the Crimea, having been instructed to write a series of landscapes of the Crimean cities. Crimean artist were also successfully exhibited in the Academy of Arts.

«Shipping off the rock of gibraltar»

One of the most famous works written in 1848, was

One of the most famous works written in 1848, was «The Battle of Chesme.» Sea Aivazovsky appears as though the basis of nature, in his portrayal of the artist manages to show the beauty of the life of the mighty elements.

« The Battle of Chesme »

« The Battle of Chesme »

One of the most famous paintings by Aivazovsky became his

One of the most famous paintings by Aivazovsky became his «The Ninth Wave», written in 1850.

«Among waves»

«Among waves»

But Aivazovsky left his mark in history not only as a talented painter, but also patron. Accumulating due to the popularity of his work considerable capital, Aivazovsky generously engaged in charity. His money building was built archaeological museum in Feodosia, conducted a large number of works on the improvement of the city.

But Aivazovsky left his mark in history not only as a talented painter, but also patron. Accumulating due to the popularity of his work considerable capital, Aivazovsky generously engaged in charity. His money building was built archaeological museum in Feodosia, conducted a large number of works on the improvement of the city.

«Volga near Zhiguli»

«Volga near Zhiguli»



Ivan Aivazovsky died April 19, 1900. «Explosion of the ship»

Ivan Aivazovsky died April 19, 1900.

«Explosion of the ship»

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